Friday, July 15, 2005

additional observations

I think I’ve finally figured out how to tell tourists apart, and how to describe French fashion.

Tourists…seemingly…are those with bags. I mean backpacks, fanny packs, shoulder bags, etc. They, generally speaking, are the ones that don’t speak French…or do it poorly. Yes I have been here long enough to tell the difference between good French and bad French. Scary thought that is.

Paris fashion, seemingly, is “well, I bought this…it doesn’t really go with this outfit, and I never really wore it before…but I really should ‘cause I spent money on it.” Don’t get me wrong I don’t think they look bad. They simply look…thrown together. In a good way of course.

Oddly enough it’s the tourists (ie bag wearing non good French speaking) people that are really pushing the boundaries of fashion. They are obviously wearing things they saw in a store and thought “whoa, that is unique/strange/uncomfortable looking in the weather…I’ll buy it!”

As I sat and eat my food (more on that later) and drank my beers…I had to remark to myself. First…a tangent. I realize I haven’t been speaking much around here. Hell, I barely talk at all. It’s all “bonjour” and “merci” and a couple English things like “No problem” and “no worries” and “yes”. I admit I am missing English speakers. When someone I find is speaking a language I understand I tend to pay rapt attention…which is a touch sad. I suppose that is a degree of loneliness setting in. I do admit I am a touch lonely but not terribly so. There is just so much to absorb around here! I do miss my friends though…and miss speaking more than a fraction of a sentence to someone. Boo.

Anyway…back on track here. I remarked to myself how diverse the people here are, and how non-conformist they are. Yes, they wear “cool guy jeans” but no two people wear the same type. And they are, remarkably (and lord knows I’ve gone on about this enough) French. Along with the baguette carriers yesterday I saw a man riding a bike with a wicker basket containing a dog. Several minutes later…a woman rode by with the same container and animal type. Is that French? It sure is in my mind now.

So on to supper (I call it supper because it was fairly early).

I finally ate at my local restaurant…and they were sure happy to see me. I had a croque provincial…which pretty much is two slices of toast with ham, herbs, and tomatoes between topped with mozzarella cheese. Sounds rather dull…but it was, again, delicious. The ham was great quality, just enough herbs to bring out their flavor, and the cheese was warm and just crusted enough. Even for a non-tomato fan it was a treat. I am looking forward to breakfast there.

Not much else to be said at this time. It’s still pretty damn warm out there and the sun is going down. Tomorrow’s big event is going to be the Swiss Embassy to get that elusive Swiss Visa. Lord knows that was a challenge to get! Then perhaps some more wandering and sight-seeing. Maybe I’ll actually enter one of those cool buildings I saw. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

So now I am off to sit on the stairs…post this (hopefully), post some more pictures (god willing) and….another beer? Sure…why not!


At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up Crawfish! Nice blog. I just got here an am checking it out.

Love the pics!

- S

At 3:04 AM, Blogger Tachometer said...

Whoever you are...woot!


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