Thursday, July 28, 2005

It's official, I'm sick

This blows my mind. It is beautiful here. It's sunny and warm...I'd even call it hot. The nights are cool but not cold. I've been getting plenty of fresh air, eating well...perhaps not drinking enough "good" liquids (beer is only mildly more expensive than soda...and juice is pretty much unheard of it seems). Apple juice would make me very happy right now.

But yes, I'm sick. And it sucks.

The school nurse was very nice though...and gave me some strange European drugs to take. I'm almost apprehensive about taking them...but hey, when in Rome eh?

I missed one of my classes this morning because of this...which really bites. I talked to the nurse about it and she said that in order to excuse me from class I would have needed to talk to her before class. Well I tried honestly....I went yesterday when I realized this wasn't just a sore throat...but the office was already closed. And since my class was at 7 am (her office doesn't open until 9 am), there was no way I could have told her before class this morning.

So I slept instead...and woke up around 10:30 feeling like garbage.

I'm going to talk to my course director...I highly doubt this is going to be a problem. I'm 31 and not trying to get out of anything. I would hope they wouldn't want some coughing snot filled dude making sandwiches.

So bites. But I am eating food, drinking water, and taking drugs. And after that I'm going to head back to my room and sleep.


She says I'm sick because of the traveling, the altitude, and the change in weather. I think it's also because I haven't been taking very good care of myself.


Guess it is time to get back in shape, yes?



At 6:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry you are still feeling so under the weather.


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