Monday, October 10, 2005

First results are in

And so good.

Today was the first day back at school since roughly 10 days ago...and not too much has changed it seems.

However I did get the results back from two of my Mid-Term tests...and will get the remaining two PLUS the results from that big integrated project later this week. Woot!

Accounting Results: 93%
That was pretty expected...and without sounding like too much of a nerd I was hoping for a little more. I lost points for not being descriptive enough about the pros/cons of the High/Low method for seperating variable/fixed costs from a mixed cost. Doh! Plus there was that one question I mentioned in a prior post that I struggled with...and only got partial credit.

I did get the highest score in my class though, but only second highest overall in the school. Rats! :P

Food and Beverage Results: 83%
Now that was a shocker. I was expecting at least the mid 90's...and I'm not at all pleased with that. From the short time I was able to go over the test with her in class I found out that I should have written more on some things...each part I either got 100% points of 50% points. and learn I suppose. Thankfully this class is made up of a lot of other bits... 10% for my initial "Practical" work in the restaurant, 25% from the integrated project (which I will find out about later on this week), 20% from this mid-term and the remaining % from the final I'm fairly hopeful.

I'm still waiting for the results from Room Divisions and Facilities Management...both of which I am fairly confident on.

On a side note I've got a couple more Group Projects looming on the horizon...Human Relations due at the end of this week, Economics due at the end of this month and Marketing due mid next month.

There is a girl in my class, Molly, with whom I've been working on a lot of these projects with...and she is seriously starting to get on my nerves. Every time I see her she asks me something about one of these projects. I was eating today and she tapped me on the shoulder...I was hanging out with friends last night and she stopped by my room...I was walking between classes and she asks me something...


To be honest I'm REALLY tired of group work. I just want to do something on my group, no others, no nada. Just me and research and writing and that is all.

But the HR thing will be a breeze, Marketing will be tough but isn't right around the corner, and Economics is with an entirely different group of people.

Sigh...even with only 34 actual class days left there is still a lot to do!


At 8:46 PM, Blogger Tachometer said...

Woot! Thanks...we shall see on the rest!

At 2:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woot is right!


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