Friday, July 29, 2005


Bluche is tiny. Yes, I've said that...but I don't think you quite realize just how small it is. So I wandered around a bit yesterday and took a couple pictures to share with you all.

By the way if you are using Google Earth (which you should be because it is AWESOME) the easiest way to find out where I am is Montana, Switzerland or Sierre, Switzerland. You won't be able to get fine detail of where I am...but it should give you the general gist.!

This is the main school building with the funky lil fountain and kids playground in front of it. Nice mountains eh?

This is the hotel "Little Paradise". The employees are very nice, you get free wireless access there, and the food is really good. It's a great place to hang out away from the whole college kid crowd.

This is the sports's much larger than the picture shows. You can see a touch of the basketball court and of course...the hugely popular football field (soccer...ahem).

This is Tacot (we all call it Taco). it's one of the older "dorms" on campus and below on the left is a bar (not run by the school) and to the right a restaurant (nice dining, again not school). San'Nick is the bar and is really popular. It's usually loud, smokey, with generally awful music. Well...not awful, just too much dance/hip hop for me. But it's a hell of a lot of fun when you are in the mood for it.

And this is my home! We call it the Ghetto 'cause it is fairly old and run down...but it's a great place none the less. It's not too quiet, not too loud, and full of good people.

There will be more to come. And if any of you have requests...let me know.


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