It's just shy of 3 am and I cannot sleep. I slept for a bit but woke up after having this really strange dream that I was one of the cops from Law and Order (the original one, not one of the overly sad and/or boundary pushing shows where they attempt to see how much they can disgust us with human behavior).
Anyway I was chasing some criminal that wouldn't give up. No matter how often we cornered him he would fight a rather pathetic way honestly. Eventually I was yelling at him to be a man, to put down the gun, and fight it out. We did...and when I was talking to someone else, he ran away. I became very angry at that and woke up frustrated.
And you know what? I am a bit frustrated. I'm a bit frustrated because I feel, right now, that I'm not taking as full advantage of this situation.
Of course I had a blast today...and spent a couple hours walking around, seeing sights, taking pictures, all that good stuff. But I found myself wanting to go back here desperately simply to tell everyone about it. That's a bit sucky I think.
So tomorrow I'm going to really check this place out. Granted yesterday was only my first whole and complete day here...and of course I miss you all very much...but I really need to do more living here...more searching...more finding of neat things. I purposely came here with very little knowledge and plans in order to just stumble on cool things.
Tomorrow, I do a better job of that.
And speaking of missing you all very much...I gotta say something.
Kristin, I miss you tons. Seriously heaps and piles. I miss you more than there are scooters in Paris. And trust me babe, that's a LOT of freaking scooters.
I'm sure I'll get all kinds of silly questions about that prior comment. That's fine. Ask away. Bring it on world! I'm prepared...are you? (FYI "you" means the people asking the questions, not Kristin. It was a subtle attempt at saying something like "Can you, the question askers, handle the answers?"...which I'm guessing you, the question askers, can 'cause it really isn't THAT complex or subtle or words like those ones I just used.)
Here is a picture of sunset from my little home. My home away from home. Paris is grand for sure...but without you folks'll never really be home.
I love you all tons.
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