Saturday, August 20, 2005

No I won't back down

Tonight was a rather…interesting night.  Yeah I might use that word a lot but it was for sure complicated.

From what I understand Ethan (New York) had an “issue” with a Georgian (no…not the state, the soviet republic).

Hopefully without offending anyone (ahem), Ethan is a stereotypical New Yorker.  He fights, he brawls, and he doesn’t take crap from anyone.  To be honest…he doesn’t take shit from anyone.  

Years ago someone pulled a knife on Ethan in NY.  He fought back and they cut his head pretty badly.  Badly enough, in fact, to give him a nasty scar up top.

So if you are going to threaten him with a knife, you better be able to back it up.

So, can you guess what happened?  I thought you might.

Things got a touch hairy at San’nick tonight.  There was lots of discussions between people…friends backing up friends, people pulling each other aside to talk about what was up and what could happen…all that stuff.

All that shit in fact.  I should be blunt…it was that serious.

So far, at 1:30 am…things are “alright”.  There were talks.  There was handshaking.  Large dudes talked with other large dudes (I’m glad Karl is on my side…he’s ex-Swedish special forces…went to South America to train soldiers.  I think I mentioned that before).  

So I’m home now…and the rest of the gang is going up to Montana.

Part of me really wants to be there.  Ethan is my friend…no matter how stupid he may have acted.  But the kid pulled a knife on him…and no matter where you are from, that sort of stuff is NOT cool.

I trust Ethan.  I trust Karl.  I trust the multitude of others that will be with him.  Yeah…I want to be there.  I want to help.  But with this project looming over my head…it’s something I can’t afford to do.

Besides that…I shouldn’t.

Perhaps I’ll have something even more “interesting” to report tomorrow.  Odds are I won’t.

It’s going to be a long night.

I truly wish that everyone comes home OK…



At 6:26 PM, Blogger Tachometer said...

Turns out Stabby McStaberson does this quite often. He pulled Ethan aside the next day and pleaded with him not to report him. I guess this guy did this last year and had a 3 hour talk with the Dean of Students.


I like calling him Stabby though.


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