Monday, August 15, 2005

Things to talk about

I've got a lot to talk I thought I'd put it down here to let you all know.

But then I realized that it's like 3 am in CA, and 6 am in NY...which means that coast to coast in the good old U S of A all you people are (probably) sleeping...and I've only got a short list of international viewers...

In other telling you here that I am going to be writing more on this and pointless. I am writing that anyway.

I think this clear mountain air has started to rot my brain. I need smog. I need commercials. Your simple Swiss ways frighten and confuse me.

But then...I suppose I could just write for me.


Neil, this is what you should post about...
-Your teachers and classes
-Observations of an American
-Food? Sorta
-I am a Great Guy

So, that is what People. The WORLD!...ahem. That is what we can all look forward to. Yay!

I may steal a car and drive to McDonalds.


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