Sunday, August 07, 2005

Will the pictures ever end?

Here I am with Susan eating at The Marketplace...the main school restaurant. Obviously you are not supposed to have gummi bears on your glasses, but hey...sometimes it just has to be done. Don't tell the school!

This is a view from...of all places...a shopping mall in Sierre. Those are ALL wine grapes. This region is pretty famous for its wine. I should pick up a bottle or two...if I wasn't such a cheap bastard.

Here we are being surprised. 'Nuff said.

Andrea, Cal and Pierre checking out funny pictures.

Here I am out in front of my building...VERY hung over, not wanting to leave. Bah! It was a beautiful sunny day though...and the next day it rained all day, and now it's cold as HELL. Wait...hell is warm right? Either way it's chilly.


At 8:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose gummi bears on your glasses is an improvement from brushing tree branches against them.


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