Wednesday, September 21, 2005

America, McDonalds and the Stinky Room

I went to McDonalds yesterday for the first "real" time in I don't know how many months (July maybe?). As many of you probably know I'm a pretty big McDonalds fan...I can't quite put my finger on it but I really love the food. Sad but true.

And I've had people bring me some stuff back from there on occasion but this was the first time in over 10 weeks that I actually went inside, ordered, sat down, and ate.

It was GREAT. There were some minor differences (Royal with cheese of course, some odd potato wedge fries, you have to pay for ketchup packets, it was stupid expensive) but it was all pretty much the same...and I'm happy I went.

Of course as we sit in McDonalds with 3 Scandinavians we are going to talk about the US. Well...sigh. I'll be frank here. America is becoming a bit of an annoying subject.

If you go ask someone from Singapore about Finland...they won't have much to say. If you ask someone from Finland about Singapore...they won't have much to say. If you ask someone from Singapore or Finland about America...they will have a LOT to say.

And that is pretty much how it works around here. Every single person that I talk to will eventually lead the conversation to being about America...American politics, American money, the rise of America, the fall of America...gas prices, jobs, culture, nightlife, economics, social structure, EVERYTHING. Everyone has an opinion or an idea and wants to share it with me.

Granted I usually, and have been, relishing these conversations. I enjoy talking about things I know a lot about and it's obviously something that people want to talk to me about.

But it's starting to get on my nerves a bit.

Last night at McDonalds we talked about America.

After McDonalds when I was standing outside the Stinky Room we talked about America.

In my Marketing class we were talking about Branding and ways for a company to stand out among the idea was butler style service...and of course the teacher says "This is not popular in America...perception of slavery...blah America, etc etc". I laid my head down on my desk and everyone laughed. After the teacher stopped laughing and said, "but Neil...I love America!"


So I'm running into a bit of a new issue here. Over the past couple weeks I've started to develop a reputation as being an intelligent, thoughtful, wise, good American. So now everyone wants my help and my advice and my input. And up until today I've been happy with that...hell, I've been thrilled! Attention I love!

But the requests for being in groups, the requests for help with homework, the "hey Neil/Douglas, explain how this works to me", and the "I once went to Ohio! Is it like that everywhere?", and ESPECIALLY the "Why do you let Bush do X and Y?"...

From now on whenever anyone asks me about America I will ask them about their country. Maybe that will help. Either that or I'm just going to KEEP MY BIG MOUTH SHUT.


Oh yeah...the Stinky Room.

Magnus's room STINKS. Like I can tell when he last opened the door to the hallway due to the level of lingering odor. It's really awful...and a melange of smells that just don't exist in the natural world. It's a confusing smell...a blend that I can't even begin to describe.

And it's finally gotten him in trouble.

He was officially warned by the your room or we will take points off.

That is, without a doubt, going to be a challenge.


At 3:30 PM, Blogger Lauren said...

I totally understand the frustration of being the "spokes person" for america. grrrr

At 3:51 PM, Blogger Tachometer said...

There are rougly 600 students here...and roughly 5 Americans. And everyone has an opinion on something America does!

I may just tell people I'm Canadian...but I doubt it.


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