Presentation COMPLETED!
I talked about this Project much earlier on in my blog…it was pretty much the first assignment given to me by the school and definitely the largest.
Well several weeks back we turned in the actual paper part of it. And today we had the oral presentation.
I wasn’t terribly nervous about it…we needed to talk for 25-35 minutes and with 6 people in my group that meant roughly 5 minutes per person. I can certainly talk for that long. Ha. But as it got closer and closer…hands were sweating and I was pretty damn scared.
As a group we had been getting together several times recently in order to discuss what we were going to talk about, create the power point presentation, and practice with our approach and timing.
It wasn’t easy. In fact it was fairly hard. Our project was HUGE so trying to narrow it all down into 5 minute chunks wasn’t an easy task. There were endless discussions on what we should emphasize, what we should leave out, and how each person’s part needs to lead to another persons.
I admit I was a bit nervous about some people in my group. Bruno, from Brazil, is not a very confident speaker. I saw him talk in our HR class and he was nervous, stammering and forgot a lot of stuff. And personally I felt I really had to step up to bat being the only native English speaker. So there were concerns all around.
But we did it…and we did VERY well. The presentation was in front of 3 teachers (Food and Beverage, Rooms Divisions, and Facilities Management) and accounts for 25% of our grade in each of those classes. With the rest of the grades for those classes made up of only 2 tests…it was serious.
At the end the teachers were full of praise. They really liked how we presented, could see we did a lot of research and worked really well together as a team. In fact, as Robert was leaving (we used his laptop) he heard one teacher say to another that we were the best coordinated group so far.
I am one very happy boy!!
Sadly I’ve got an ugly amount of laundry to do, I just got group projects for both Economics and Human Relations (Econ due in 5 weeks, HR due in 2 weeks), plus mid terms are looming on the horizon (2 weeks away). I’m not too concerned about them…Accounting should be easy (although it is a huge 40% of my grade), Rooms Division shouldn’t be bad either (35% of my grade)…but Food and Beverage (20%) and Facilities Management (30%) will require some extra effort.
Plus I REALLY need to get on the ball with my resume and job/internship stuff. Looks like another weekend spent in Bluche taking care of business…rats!
But the good news is (beyond our AWESOME presentation) is that in 3 weeks…I’ve got a FULL WEEK OFF! The question remaining is…what in the world to do with that time?
Wow am I looking forward to an ice cold BEER.
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