My first "test"
Today I had my first test...of sorts. It was an in-class essay for my 4 week Art class.
This is how it worked: Through the classes we've been using Patrosky's Trichotomy (spelling issues perhaps) to examine different works. For the test we were to bring in a copy of a painting from our own country along with research done on it (at least 3 references). Then in class we were to analize it using the Trichotomy as well as explain why using that method is good, a short biography of the artist and why we choose that particular work.
During the "test" however we were not allowed to use our research...just a paper to write on, a pen to write with and a copy of the painting. The research was to get us started and give us a basis to write with. The essay was to be 600-1000 words.
I blew through it. Writing is something that comes fairly easy to me and I did a fair amount of research on my painting before I came in. I feel I did very well.
One test down! Several more to come...
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