Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Lack of posting

I appologize for the lack of heavy posting recently...but I've been working pretty hard on stuff around here.

Yesterday was spent on a lot of catch-up type things (due to my prior weekends punishment) including a lot of group work (which is at least 1/2 of my class asignements) work in Marketing, Human Resources and of course the fun fun Project (we are giving our oral presentation next week)...add a ton of laundry to that...and emails to Kendal University in Chicago, Cornell in New York and Blackhawk (to see if I can get a letter from them to get out of my Internship) glorious free Tuesday turned into a pretty busy one.

But now I'm happily caught up (ahead in a couple things), have a ton of clean clothes, and a free free FREE weekend looming on the horizon...WOO HOO!!

I should be getting my camera back from Alex today (He's in BBA and has been ultra busy with school work...we've had trouble connecting) so I should have some pictures to post up soon as well.

Soon I say...soon!

When specifically? I dunno...sorry folks.


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