Tuesday, August 30, 2005


-There is an African guy here in my building but I forget which country he is from specifically…one of the more well known ones.  He’s really nice, has a sort of Jamaican style accent and instead of saying “Hi, how are you?” he says, “Hi, how are you feeling?  How are you feeling today?  You feeling alright man?”  I really dig it personally…seems much friendlier than the typical greeting.  I may pick that one up myself.

-There are two things I’m planning on bringing back with me to the US…different ways to say “cheers” and cheek kissing girls.
I’ve learned how to say cheers in Swedish, Spanish, French and German…I forgot how to say it in Italian though.  I’d like to still pick up Russian.  It’s just fun to say and when you do say it people from those countries react very well.  
As far as the cheek kissing thing goes…its just cool.  It’s much better than giving a girl a handshake, and works well for women that you don’t quite hug yet.  I’m sure people will freak out at first.  I’ll work on ‘em.  I will not do the French “kiss a guy on both cheeks” deal though.  That’s for pansies.

-Swiss life gives me gas.  I’m not quite sure what the deal is but after a meal here, and I’m walking around, I fart a lot.  They are neither stinky nor loud…just lots of air passing through.  I have no clue why that happens…it just does.  So far it hasn’t been much of an issue.

-Swiss weather is beyond strange.  We will have days of clouds, fog, rain, and ugh (well…I like that weather honestly) then days of absolute and glorious sunshine.  Right now it’s about 75 degrees and sunny as hell….just some small fluffy clouds over the mountain tops.  It is so odd how it changes so radically.  We’ve gotten a TON of rain recently…but very rarely does it downpour like back home.  It’s more of a constant slow drizzle that makes everything wet.  I should sit out in the sun!

-I’ve got to start getting more serious about what I am going to do after Les Roches.  Honestly I don’t plan on coming back here for my BBA.  I’ve experienced Bluche and the place is just too small for my liking.  It’s frustrating to have to pay just to leave town and causes a serious drain on the cash situation.  I’m probably going to do my BBA in Chicago…probably.  Or Cornell.  Hmmm…

-The rules, which at first seemed so heinous, then appeared pretty relaxed, are starting to get enforced more and more.  I got in mild trouble for leaving clothes on my bed.  Although silly, and mildly annoying, I think it’s a good thing.  We are at Week 6 of 22.  Week 8 will have me giving my oral presentation on my Project (easy), Week 10 will be Mid Terms (should be easy), Week 11 is vacation (I’ve no clue where I’m going yet), and then…uh…more stuff I guess.  Time both goes quickly and slowly here.  But most other classes have more projects, assignments, tests and the like, so the others are starting to stress a little.  I like it.

-Magnus is obsessed with Secret Societies (like the Freemasons or Skull and Bones).  We’ve been toying with the idea of creating our own.  That could be interesting.  I was a (gasp) frat boy after all.  My, life is strange…and you can take with or without the comma.

-It is becoming more obvious that classes for the returning students are radically different than they were the years prior.  For example, for my Room Divisions Mid Term test the teacher is going to give us a hierarchy tree of Room Divisions employees with several things wrong with it.  Our job is to find one thing and write a little essay about it, taking into account cost savings and work load.  He has been going through samples of these trees in class showing where things are different, where they are the same, pointing out this and that.  One of the students asked him which one was “right”…which one he should memorize and study from, in other words.  The teacher sort of laughed and told him that there was no real “right” one, that it is all situation dependent and he’ll have to just use his knowledge.  The student, among several others, looked crestfallen.  “How do we study for that?” someone asked.  The teacher said, “Ladies and Gentlemen…this is not Service or Kitchen…this is Management.  Managers have to use their brains.”  I like this…a LOT.

-I really ought to get a haircut, but I’m being lazy.  I’ve got time today to go up to Montana and do it…but I don’t want to wait for the funi, don’t want to pay for the funi, and want to do things like this instead (as well as email, do some reading and work on my resume).  I can get my hair cut for 10 CHF by this freaky British woman that comes to campus…but she is freaky and I’m hesitant.  Maybe I’ll suck it up and head to Montana tomorrow after Economics.  I think I forgot to sign up for Wednesday dinner anyway…damnit.


At 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, don't start bringing that cheek kissing shit round here. Its rampant in NYC and it freaks me out... there's too much variablility.. how kissy do you get? are you supposed to actually lip to cheek? or just cheek to cheek with a kissy sound? or lick the cheek? how loud and when do you do the kissy sound? if no sound then isn't it just a weird cheek rub. and if a sound doesn't that seem odd in its own right. I try to make the sound well after i've parted from the cheek rub just to make it really uncomfortable. Anyway Neil you might be cool and sophisticated but I think the whole cheek thing is fuckin strange and its gonna freak a lot of dudes out. So if you start it you're going to make things hard for the rest of us.

After all what's so bad about a nice handshake or a high five or a little boob grab? Isn't there another way Neil? isn't there another way?

think of the children.

At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mattg, what is wrong with a high five and a little boob grab? Stop it, you're making me miss you.

neil, You are farting because you are getting old.

At 6:06 PM, Blogger Tachometer said...

Hey, cheek kissing is fun...ya just gotta be quick and non-thinking about it.

Kiss (more of a noise than actual contact).


But yeah, high five and boobie grab would be a hell of a lot cooler.

And I'm allowed 4 beers and 2 bottles of wine in my room. I've been a good boy :)

At 4:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Farting is just a way to even out the internal and external pressure. I'm betting that the altitude and thin air is messing with your internal psi.

At 9:50 PM, Blogger Tachometer said...


I'm touching mine right now.

Which is sadly disapointing actually.


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