Monday, August 22, 2005


Today is an awesome day.  I say that for two really big reasons.

One, the Project is DONE and turned in.

Two, I got a package from my parents.

The Project has been a bit of a thorn in my side for a while now.  It wasn’t terribly difficult to do.  In fact I over did it a touch.  It’s 3 different sections focused on Facilities Management, Room Divisions and Food and Beverage.  6 people worked on it with 2 people in each area…I was in F&B.  I rather enjoyed parts of it…but there were some aspects that I definitely struggled with.  Primarily I struggled with not taking over completely.  I’m taking this whole school gig pretty damn serious and it was tough to not just do the whole damn thing when I know I could do an excellent job.  That lead to stress, a little resentment, and a lack of patience.  At the end it was just plain tough to finish up the work.  So I took a deep breath, stepped back, and let them do the rest.  With the language barrier, the different levels of experience, and the desires of everyone to show others what they found…at times it was just a free for all with no organization.

But that’s all done now and everything is turned in.  WOO HOO!  Now it’s just a waiting game until Week 8 (it’s Week 5) right now.  In Week 8 our group gives our presentation to the three teachers, one for each subject.  Personally I think that bit will be even easier.

The package was much needed.  It’s been raining off and on since Thursday-ish and that means pretty cold temps.  Up to this point I had 2 long sleeve shirts, one light jacket and one rain jacket.  Without sounding like a fashion junky…I was getting a bit annoyed with wearing the same stuff every day.  But now I’ve got a bunch of sweaters, several more dress shirts and my hiking boots (Oh I’m REALLY stoked about that…can’t wait to do some exploring).  Thanks Mom and Dad!  You two are the GREATEST.

So to congradulate this whole set of events I’ve got the music in my room very loud, door open with the fog rolling up and down the hills, and the heater on full…wearing a warm soft sweater (and other clothes!  Damn people.)

Rumor has it that there is another package coming in soon…with “fun” stuff.  My Mom is the BEST in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE at “fun” stuff.  The clothes were a necessity, but the fun stuff is going to be the best part of all.

Life is very good (


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