Monday, August 29, 2005

Favorite Classes

As many of you know already, I did accounting for several years before starting this whole culinary/restaurant/hotel gig.  Man…looking back on it I did accounting for something like 7 years (off and on).  Yow!  Time flies I guess.

Anyway, I really enjoy this class.  The teacher, Mr. Small, is the head of HOIII and without a doubt knows his stuff.  He follows the book more or less, but does a really good job of being linear in his lectures.  We start with the basics and move forward…each prior step providing knowledge on how to do the next ones.  I can tell that, if choose to, the tests could be very difficult…at least from the standpoint if you mess something up in the beginning your end answer is going to be way off.

Perhaps the biggest reason I dig this class is because I am finally getting some schooling on something I have a lot of experience in.  I never took real accounting classes…I learned by observing, practicing and asking questions.  It took a lot of experimentation to get to the level I got in the whole financial analysis world…and I’m grateful to getting that much needed knowledge.  

Plus, it’s pretty damn easy!

There are two huge reasons why I really enjoy this class.  One, the teacher is awesome.  He’s alive, vibrant, and full of knowledge and really takes charge in the class.  He lets enough funny stuff slide to keep us from falling asleep, and isn’t afraid to call stupid students…well…stupid.  I absolutely love it.

Secondly, I’m really learning a lot in this class.  This is all stuff that I had never studied before, and had no experience in prior.  I’ve perhaps learned the most from this one class…and there is a lot more to be gained too.

It isn’t too hard either ;)

This pretty much falls in line with Accounting, with a combo of Marketing.  It’s another strong teacher who doesn’t take crap from students, it’s giving me knowledge in a subject I have prior experience with, and I’m learning a tremendous amount.  It’s a bit more challenging than the other two favorites, but that is a good thing…I shouldn’t just walk through this whole thing, ya know what I mean?

Later on I’ll go through my lesser favorites…and then the classes I dislike.


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