Ramping up
It appears that the school has finally decided to put their foot down about some things...and surprise surprise...there is rebellion.
Perhaps it was simply coincidence that these things took place (and probably is) but without a doubt things are staring to happen...and I like it.
For example:
-Contemporary World Issues: Tomorrow (I thought it was today, oops!) we've got a "test" of sorts in which we are to research a painting from our home country, and for class bring in copies of three difference references, a reference page and a color copy of the painting itself. While in class we are to write about the painting using what we've learned in class as well as what we learned during research. The kicker is that we cannot actually "use" the stuff we bring in (besides the painting). We hand in our references THEN do the writing. That's not too tough actually.
But the kicker is...the teacher told us what the big part is. She then said there will be two additional questions that she will ask...and she won't tell us those questions in advance.
A large portion of the class freaked out...they couldn't understand how she could do that...how she could expect us to *GASP* use our brains and come up with something on the fly! There was mass grumbling after that.
-In Marketing we've been working on a group project that involved a lot of research on some compaines that we knew nothing about. The majority of class didn't do a lot of in depth research...and when the teacher asked the groups what the learned they simply read, word for word, what the website said. The teacher blew up. He was telling them they will all fail, that they don't use their brains, that they need to LEARN and not READ. It was fantastic. After class I pulled him aside and thanked him for finally giving us more of a challenge...and expecting more than just repeating information back like a parrot. He was happy about that.
-At lunch today...they kicked out at least 5 (that I saw for the hour I was there) students for not being clean shaven, or looking sloppy, etc. The students argued, they pleaded, they got pissed...but rules are rules. They know the rules. Tough shit.
Magnus not only got kicked out, but had 0.4 points taken off. He was literally screaming in the lobby...swearing up a storm about the school and the teachers. We quickly got him out of there. If he had kept it up it would have gotten him in serious trouble.
Yes...I have (and still am) having issues with the school in regards to some things...lack of a teacher for HR, lack of textbooks, and extremely unruly students. The school was so hardcore initially about "standards of excellence" that we must all obey. And I truly felt that the issues I mentioned were seriously out of line with the standards that they expect of us.
Today I saw a wonderful reversal of that. Today I saw rules being enforced. I saw teachers coming down on unruly students. I saw the school flex it's muscles a bit.
Hopefully those mucles will be strong enough to pick up a teacher for me and to pick up some text books.
Yes...I do have hope.
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