Friday, October 14, 2005

4 of 5 results in...and good news/bad news/scary news

So here is the breakdown so far of the mid-term exams...
Accounting: 93% I should have done better...made a silly mistake.
F&B: 83% I simply didn't write enough...I wrote a LOT but just not "enough". I found out later you have to write REAMS to get a great grade.
Facilities: 85% I made two really dumb mistakes...and it cost me. I tried to argue with the teacher about 'em but he took one look at my grade and laughed. He said it will make no difference. I argued again and he told me to go away...I did better than the vast majority of the class. Sure...fine
Room Divisions: 73% That was a TOTAL shocker...and oddly enough the 3rd highest grade in class (next was an 80something and a 90). He just wanted more than what I I talked to him and gave him the test back...hoping to get more points. I'll be PISSED if I don't get at least an 80%.

What is remaining? The results from the Integrated Project...which I am now officially worried about. I am worried 'cause I was ultra confident about how well I did with all these exams yet in pretty much every instance I didn't meet that expectation. Sure I averaged a good solid B but I was expecting A's across the board. And I really don't like that.

And now...the scary bit. In Facilities we are going to be studying electricity for a while...things like resistors, fuses, meters, analog vs digital, distribution blocks, and all that jazz. It will be very little math and a considerable amount of theory/concepts/definitions. Why it scares me...later.

And in Accounting we are going into forecasting methods...which is EXACTLY what I used to do when I worked for First Data. I showed the teacher some of the stuff I had leftover from work and he laughed saying that I should be teaching for a bit.

And finally, in Economics, we are getting into the modern era...stuff from 1980-present day with a focus on the United States. I asked the teacher if we were going to do Reganomics and he smiled and said "that's too complicated for these students...but we'll touch on it".

So what is scary about those three facts?

I know that stuff. I've installed enough stereos in cars to know, not only what a distribution block and a fuse is, but the practical applications of these things...and why we use what. I know forecasting like the back of my hand...hell, I did it for a living! And I know current day Economic policy...It's something I've always been interested in and have been studying it since High School.

So why am I scared?

I'm scared because I was SO confident about my testing yet didn't get the results I wanted. And this is all stuff I know...I know pretty damn well...therefore confidence is...I repeat...confidence is HIGH.

The end result...

A) I will fall back on my laurals a bit again and...once again...average a bunch of boring B's in classes.

B) I will go insane studying, learn much more than is needed, and mildly burn out...yet get great grades.

Hopefully it will be something in the middle.

This school is SO STRANGE. I think the teachers are on drugs.


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