Sunday, July 17, 2005

Contacts dang it!

OK you freaks...I see you reading this now (I have my ways...oh yes I do).

But for those of you that either didn't get my first couple mass emails or just haven't gotten around to doing it yet...I need your info!

-Name (duh)
-Phone number
-email addy

I'm trying to put together a giant database of all my friends and families info...that means all you Crawfords out there too...dorks!

My email (if you don't find it on the thingie on the left...or right..or up, whatever) is as follows
mgracer @ yahoo . com

Yes I realize I put spaces in there...but that is to keep those pesky little spam robots away from nabbing my email address and sending me annoying things.

Hasta la vista!


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