One down, four to go...and a moment of sheer and absolute terror
You know that dream, that college dream, where you wake up...go to class...and you've got a mid term test?
Well that nearly sorta kinda happened to me today.
Today was my Room Divisions exam and I made sure I got plenty of sleep beforehand. I woke up at 7, took a last look over my notes and took a nice long shower. At about 8:15 I headed out the door...refreshed and ready for the exam at 9:00.
When I got to school I found very few students...and no management students. As the clock ticked by panic set in...was the exam at 8? Is it in another building? Did I MISS IT!!?!?!
By 8:55 I was in full panic mode...running up and down the halls, looking desperate and terrified. Finally I was able to track down a teacher and ask, with my voice shaking...did I miss it?
No's at 1400, not 900.
Well needless to say I did make it on time (I had plenty of it!) and just finished in fact. It was exactly what he said it was going to be and that was fine by me.
I predict an A.
So one down...Food and Beverage tomorrow, Facilities Management Wednesday, Accounting Thursday and a MASSIVE AMOUNT OF BEER THURSDAY NIGHT!
Well now you know not to take fashion advice from Barb, or even advice on what classes to take.
Hey, at least you were wearing clothes. The more common nightmare is to do all of this naked.
Since I can't even be on campus unless I am wearing my school uniform (blazer, slacks, shirt, tie, shoes, yada) I was able to avoid that part of the nightmare ;)
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