New and Improved Grades
Here it is...
Accounting: 93%
Nothing changed here. Highest grade in my class and tied for 3rd in Management.
Food & Beverage: Project 75% Mid Term 83%
I am disapointed with this, especially the Project part. I worked hard on it and got dragged down by people in my group. Oh well...still doing "well" in that class.
Room Divisions: Project 87% Mid Term 81%
Woot! After bugging him about the grading on my Mid Term test he bumped me up that I'm VERY happy about. I can still get an A in this class if I bust my ass :) Oh yeah, that's the highest grade in Management for the Project ;)
Facilities Management: Project 80% Mid Term 85%
I did well on the Mid Term vs the class...3rd highest in my class (unknown vs Management) and...well...we got the highest grade in Management on the Project. Awesome!
So that leaves me with...
Human Resources: Unknown
We turned a project in for that class that was 40% of the grade. I've got decent feelings about was a very simple group project and that makes me worried. The final is 60% and pretty unknown. I know it'll be an essay.
Marketing: Unknown
My grade is dependent on 2 things...a written project (60%) and an oral test (1 on 1, 40%). My group for this is awesome, and my role is "typist" take everyones bits and turn it into proper English. I'm fairly confident
Economics: Unknown
We've got a project due in a week which is 40% of the grade, and I know my section is amazingly awesome. I've got graphs up the ass, excellent research, and I'm very proud of what I've created. The final is 60% and I've got good feelings about it.
Contemporary World Issues: International Relations 95% Art 75%
I destroyed International Relations, but crapped out in Art. It was written in class and she pretty much summed up my grade with "I expected more from a native English speaker". Bah. I didn't spelling sucked. But we just turned in Culture and Sociology should be a snap. After that it's Enviornmental Policy then some sort of final "test" of lord knows what. A is still possible here.
So that pretty much sums it all up.
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